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Business Sample Module

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Welcome, you’re in the right place

So, you’ve received the 13 Fundamentals cheat sheet and have been given a nudge in the right direction - but have you actually done anything? All too often life get’s in the way and it’s hard to motivate yourself when your TO-DO list is longer than your arm. I understand, because I’ve been there myself.

That’s why the power of mentorship is key.

Partnering your business with me means that you get someone in your corner who’s flying your flag. I’ll be with you each step of the way, championing your business wins and analysing mistakes to make sure the lessons worth learning are picked up on.


*** Keep scrolling for FREE downloadable worksheets to get you analysing, thinking & PLANNING ***


Why should my business partner with PK?

No matter the size, industry or complexity the challenges of business are fundamentally the same. The basics of being clear to your why, the passion of why the business exists must remain front and centre no matter what. Sometimes the spark and passion can get smothered by the transactional management of teams, process and nature of actually delivering a business that perhaps we struggle with. 

Business life cycles are just that. Cycles, journeys. That means our business never stays in one place, it’s a continuous journey of evolving, momentum and change. It’s never linear, even though economists and analysts like to depict this way, (maybe it’s easier to do so graphically). Fundamentally the business must generate sufficient cash to be able to perform its duties, deliver a service or product, delight its customer base and have enough to repay to its owner for the time, effort and risk invested.

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It’s important you know the work that’s involved and the various steps included in the program to ensure PK BUSINESS Mentoring is a good fit for you - and your future. Below is sample material from a module so you can experience what it is like and get a taste of igniting your BUSINESS.


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Until you can determine your direction, you need to assess where you are…

Ask yourself, what stage of your business lifecycle are you at?

During every stage of business - the cycles of launch, momentum, growth, review, maturity and decline are useful indicators to help drive strategies and timing of how we should be thinking about what, when and where we invest time, money and resources.

From an initial start-up through to established business, these fundamentals are consistent through our products and services as to the place we hold in the market and industry, whether decisions on growth through organic or acquisition remain relevant.


The way forward - your Business Tracker

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  • Access to Business Partner and Sounding Board

  • Trusted Accountability Partner – execution of plan, tracking to future state, keeping a strategic whole of business view 

  • Improved reporting on Returns on Investment (ROI) and Objectives (ROO) – expand thinking on outcomes, outputs, balance qualitative and quantitative returns

  • Measure Dashboard & Reporting Framework - what gets measured is managed 

  • Technology, Process, Supply Chain – review capability and capacity diagnostic

  • Access to Global Networks, Industry Platforms and ability to grow your sphere of influence

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Are you ready for the future?

How are you future proofing for the DARQ ages? Explore your business with PK insights…



Business Models


Ethics & Core Values


Paula is a transformational finance professional. Her strategic vision and coaching is a valued addition to my business. She also has a wide network of like-minded professionals which feels like having a team available on tap.