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Bridging the gap between profit mentality and sustainable business practices

Media post

Bridging the gap between profit mentality and sustainable business practices

Paula Kensington

The biggest challenge that we have in the business, is that we still have this profit on a pedestal mentality. There’s profit at the behest of everything else and this really aligns with my 35-year career. I feel like in my whole journey it’s always been about chasing targets, delivering to targets and then reporting on why we miss the target. And that feels like a cycle that needs to be broken. I think that’s how it feels for me in a business world, we can’t keep going on the same way that we’ve always been. I think there’s this reality gap between what’s going on at a CFO level and what’s being said at a wider mainstream level around the investment community. You know we hear things about the investment community have got 20 billion dollars of money to invest in green assets and then we’ve got the flip side of that where the CFO Community is saying “but I can get funding with the business that I want to create that’s actually giving back. So there’s real mismatches of what’s being done and what’s being said and there’s this kind of reality Gap.

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