What is the value of coaching...?
Paula Kensington
There are three areas that I would like to cover in my analysis today:
Breakthrough Moments - times when something really lands for you
Incremental Build - small moments that add over time
Ecosystem & Network - stretch your thinking and sphere of influence
When you have a coaching experience, whether it has a 3, 6, or 12 month duration, the value outlasts the time spent 1:1 with your coach.
Often we do not recognise the value until long after the coaching assignment has completed. So how to capture the value and really leverage that for you as a coachee or mentee.
Take time to review what are the key areas in which you have developed with your coach. Here is a list of questions/areas for reflection that you might find useful to recognise the value you have received:
Have you considered the sphere of influence in which you operate, what are the dynamics and personalisies of that small inner circle.
Have you completed your stakeholder mapping exercise where you consider the 5 most important people in your network and worked out their pain points.
What are your 3 key messages for your audience, what do you stand for, what is important to you in your professional and personal journey.
How do you frame up stories that support your values, or support the message that you are delivering to your audience.
Have you considered the Rule of Three - a good story always three parts, the beginning, the middle and the end.
How do you take your audience from its current state to the future state...?
I have lots of tools and frameworks that cover each of these points above. If you have worked with me before, why no review these and let me know how you are going with them.
If you havent worked with me before and would like to hear more, I would be happy to have an obligation free conversation.
Watch my video below to know more: