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Charting the path of change navigating the journey to finance transformation

Paula Kensington

This is the model that I came up with in my first paper around where people are on their journey and we have to realize that we’ve got to try and meet people where they’re at. There’s no point in trying to tell people what they can do, it’s like how do we actually create a finance community that actually wants to be beacons of change for everybody. What do we think about that and that was really the reason behind writing the first paper about trying to educate and get information in one place for the CFO community to be able to consume that’s not challenging enough. Because it’s difficult to try and find what’s going on and what am I supposed to do about it.

Unlock the insights to thrive in the regenerative business era. Dive into our comprehensive paper at:

Rethinking success metrics and business models for a sustainable future

Paula Kensington

We need to find new measures of success, I think we need to rework and remodel our business models and need to look on timeframes we need to shift away from this short-termism and profit focused incentives and we need to start rethinking about the whole system approach of where our business is actually operating in that whole ecosystem.

Ready to shape the future of business? Start by reading our regenerative business paper, guiding you towards a new economic paradigm. Find it here:

Valuing everything that goes into our business

Paula Kensington

How do we replace profit as a main driver of success and motivation? And more beautifully what would be the potential in the business world if we actually worked with nature instead of against it. So in my green paper that I've written, I talk about flipping the business model and what that means is how do we value everything that goes into our business, rather than valuing the end result and the things that come out of the business.

Embrace the dawn of a new economic era through our insightful paper on regenerative business. Don't miss out, access it now:

For Love and Money Podcast: Ep 44 Paula Kensington, CEO of CFO Conversations on Flipping The Business Model

Paula Kensington

“Imagine waking up to a world without nature. Blue skies replaced by grey, grass by dirt, oceans turned to dust and mud. This isn’t some far-fetched Science Fiction movie, it is the reality we are facing now. We are staring down the gun at the end of the world as we know it and business leaders need to unite to implement new ways of thinking and doing before it’s too late.”

Introducing Paula Kensington, award-winning CFO, business leader and director of consulting group, PK Advisory; and founder/CEO of CFO Conversations.

In her recently published green paper, Paula draws on global research, highlights the pitfalls of the past and offers hope for the future by outlining a strategic road-map out of outmoded, profit-focussed business practices to a new ‘planet-centric’ approach, with CFOs and CEOs leading the way.

“More than just a numbers person, CFOs are ‘key stewards’ that can drive change from within to align business outcomes with earth outcomes to go beyond carbon credits to turn profit into purpose,” she says.

Our conversation on this podcast centres on three key themes:

  1. Why should CFO’s lead the purpose agenda

  2. How do we ‘flip the business model’?

  3. How do we reconstitute what we value as business success

If you are a CFO, this episode is especially for you.

If you’re not a CFO, the value this interview offers is understanding that Purpose and Sustainability is no longer a ‘nice to have’. The ‘compliance’ stakes are gearing up and soon. Paula shares her thoughts, insights and paths to navigating from ‘business-as-usual’ to a new world of business. Great insights and I hope you might consider sharing with a CFO you know; perhaps in your own business.

You can also check the podcast by clicking here.