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Filtering by Tag: measurement

Mind the gaps: Don’t forget the fundamentals of business

Paula Kensington

What had gone wrong? I believe the business had lost sight of the basics. There was a lack of effective leadership, little strategic direction and a dearth of reporting capabilities. Not only had business plateaued, the company had lost direction and stalled. It was missing clarity and a strategic plan.

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The value proposition: what are we really adding...

Paula Kensington

Do you ever get the feeling the word value is used so liberally these days that it has lost its value? We’re constantly being told what ‘value for money’ we’re getting when we make purchases; that a service provided is ‘good value’; or that we need to ‘value add’ in our own workplaces.

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Making your decisions count

Paula Kensington

Conventional wisdom says we each make 35,000 conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious decisions a day.

These decisions might crop up in a business or professional environment, in our personal life, in our circle of family and friends, or in a community/public context. Some are far more important than others, of course, and sometimes a seemingly minor decision can flow on to major consequences.

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